Thursday, July 17, 2014


I should have taken better pictures.  I don't always have my laptop on and our new desktop computer has been crashing lately.  Windows 8.  It's been a real pain.

There are times in our alley way someone will set something out with a Take me, I'm free sign.  I had seen a foot stool setting out for maybe a good week or a little longer.  On the 2nd or 3rd day of rain, I sent a kid down to bring it back.  Being a boy, they generally don't have a problem with it.  The stool is maple wood in a maple finish with a Town Square Hillsboro Tx 1983 on the back.

I vacuumed the cover all over and took it apart.  I'm hoping to make a new cushion for the stool.  It will be a great TV stool for the den. 

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